Every morning, I wake up and immediately run through all the things that need to be done in the day. Today, having a bigger list than usual, I arose with a pounding headache and feeling already exhausted before I even began. It usually does not take much to re-energize as I have so many blessings in my life, but I just could not seem to get a grip! Coffee, being my faithful back-up, was immediately put on and I sat down to do a little pick me up with my facebook friends.
Time ticking away, I was getting nowhere fast! "I need to get a move on!", I kept thinking to myself, yet, I didn't feel that magical energy boost that I was hoping for. How easily in my moment of feeling completely overwhelmed, I forgot the most important part of my morning. One, I often forget when I wake up with a long list of things to do. ... I forgot to talk to my Dad.
It seems simple enough, pulling out that devotion and reading quickly through, being slightly moved by the gestures that leave an ink trail on each page. The scattering of uplifting pictures heightens my visual willingness to accept the text and the short scriptures that usually follow are a nice touch and seem to bring the whole message together.
However, I often leave my devotions on speedy mornings feeling like I did my duty for the day and now while 'acceptable', still alone. So, what I ask is, what should one do on those fast flow mornings that have become such a commonality in our lives? Do we force ourselves through a devotion, just to satisfy the Lord, in hopes that He will keep us in His good graces for the day... just one more day?
What about when your kids leave for school in a rush? Do you feel satisfied in the "Bye Mom... I love you!" or the "See you later Dad!", that you have truly communicated with your children that morning? What if that was the only time they communicated with you for that day? Would you be satisfied? Oh yes, you love them no matter how often you speak to them in a day, that's true, but are you really satisfied with that? Don't you miss them when they are gone for any length of time?
By looking into God's word, we will find an even bigger desire for us to walk closely with Him, not just giving Him a shout out as we rush through our day.
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27
I fear that too many times, we 'do' God rather than hear God. Yes, I know He still loves me when I pass Him by in the morning, but that's the problem. I sometimes forget, God loves me more than I can fathom, because of who He is, not who I am. I am already loved, and now it's all about the relationship.
I would rather have a cup of coffee telling my Dad that I love Him and that He is everything to me, than to scrub His face out of obligation. God doesn't need shined up, He is mighty and great and true, all by Himself. AND... Here He is, saying, "My child, I want to know you." Here He is, saying, "Sit down, beautiful, have coffee with me...." Here He is, saying, "Let Me be your everything." So many times, I say, "Okay, just a second." which can last for hours and sometimes even until the next day! There have even been times that I have gone days without actually acknowledging God as my Savior. They weren't really bad days either. They were the days that I forgot, I don't really having everything covered, I am just very blessed to have a Father that has me covered!
I don't want God to just be the runner-up in my life... I want Him to be the Winner of my heart!
My prayer today is that we see Him, hear Him and love Him with all our hearts. Let the blue skies remind us of the Son... the clouds to remind us of our eternally quenched thirsts... and the wind to remind us of how swiftly we are saved by the King Almighty, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
...and at the end of every day, may we remember to kiss the One who loves us good-night and hug and love on Him before starting 'our' day each morning. To love Him spiritually, for we serve a supernatural Father, whom is limitless and good.
Hey! I am so ready to take on this day now!
Have a great one, with the Great One!